It’s no secret that most people spend more time at work than with their families, so having a relaxing and positive workplace environment should be one of the top priorities for leaders and managers of any organization. This is because productivity can only be increased if the employees are happy (here are 10 Definitions of Happiness that you may not have known about). In today’s workplace, cooperation, communication and a relaxing atmosphere seem to be a formula for success, including employee engagement, productivity and performance. Moreover, a high job satisfaction, the ability to use a person’s job strengths, the power to build trust and respect, as well as having a transparent culture are important factors that keep the employee engaged for a long term with your organization. So what can you do to create a positive and fun workplace for your workers?
According to Gallup’s annual State of the American Workplace report, an alarming 70% of US employees aren’t fully engaged with their job and they don’t reach a full potential, while only 30 percent of Americans were involved or engaged at work and still showing some enthusiasm about it. Therefore, providing a healthy and positive workplace for all employees should be one of top priorities for the management. Imagine a place where people love their jobs, the work environment and they are stress free and show a positive attitude all day and people will likely be more productive. Because we know how important is to work in a positive environment, we have come with a list of inspiring ideas to have a positive workplace environment.
1. Professionals Aren’t Serious All the Time
We don’t deny that showing a sense of professionalism is widely important for your employer branding and a critical factor for every company who reach for the success. Companies that desire professional workplaces should include specific policies about the way employees and stuff are dressed, speak and behave. This professionalism behavior must be applied for everyone, but it doesn’t necessary mean someone should be serious all the time. You still can have a light attitude, while being productive and competent, so you should encourage the benefits of humor at the workplace.
This will not only help you strengthen the bonds between employees, but it will also enable you to get closer to your workers, generate a sense of trust, and light up the atmosphere at work. Severe bosses may be able to push a team in the right direction, but he will only be able to do so by attracting the hate of the employees. If you manage to work on your relationship with your employees, they may start doing certain tasks out of pleasure, and we all know how important it is to feel passionately about your work.
2. Game Rooms for Relaxation and Team Building
Are you out of ideas for a positive and fun workplace? Here is a great solution. When it comes to gaming, everybody like to play and relax, as it reminds us of the childhood time when there was no worries and we just enjoyed being kids. Thus, a game room in the workplace for your employees will have a positive impact, because they will allow them to take a break from their current tasks or responsibilities. You can even think of a few computer games that you lived as a child, and install them on the work-computers. Obviously, you should make sure that people are not playing them during the work schedule.
The management can opt for a variety options from creativity games to those who involve memory or analytic thinking such as board games, video games, even a small basketball; any fun activity that will stimulate their minds and encourage them to relax out of the normal work context.
This is a win-win situation, because on one hand you are providing your employees with much needed relaxation, but you will also be able to engage their minds, and push them in the right direction. Furthermore, it is important to create a team spirit at the work space, and fun games such as these are the perfect opportunity to focus on team building, without your employees even knowing it.
3. Use your Imagination with Office Layout
The workplace environment doesn’t precisely need to be a classic one or include traditional cubicles, just to be trendy. Try to add your employees’ personality into the design of the workplace, by doing something different yet relaxing, so they can work properly. The office layout can provide information about the nature of your business, as well as about the organizational culture. For instance, an office for the IT company should be inspired by their profession and look more like a computer or something more technical to give them more inspiration at work.
Even as entrepreneurs, we try to create an inspiring work-space, because we know how important it is to work in a good looking environment. Obviously, this doesn’t mean investing in expensive furniture and decorations. The most important things are to let light in, as much as you can (but no too much so as not to disturb you when working on the computer), to keep the place tidy, and to add some inspiring colors. So forget about the cubicles, and try to think of an interesting design that will entice your employees.
4. Have a “Zen” Area for Your Employees
We don’t need statistics or confirmation from official reports to say about today’s high level of stress in most of organizations. But before you go searching for Solutions to Manage your Stress and Anger levels, why not think about a way to prevent this from happening? If you want employees to have a positive and fun workplace, create safe environment for them.
Given the recession period or the tough economical situation packed with a dramatic unemployment rate in many countries, employees do show a high level of stress. This is why, a “Zen” area where they can have quiet times for meditation or some time out to focus on their work is another good idea for a positive workplace environment. Architects have always talked about the importance of creating a great environment for productivity. Furthermore, they consider that nature should always be included in a new project, because it is the primordial space where people can find their equilibrium.
5. Build Trust and Strengthen Your Relationships
We have already mentioned the importance of creating a bond of trust between you and your employees, and there is probably no need to emphasize more on this subject. Trust is the magic formula in both personal or professional relationships, so building an environment of trust is probably the most important thing to create a positive and fun workplace.
Trust is about doing what you said you are going to do, it’s about being reliable, responsible, so managers can depend on you, when needed. In other words, when your words are in tandem with your action, you are actually nurturing trust. However, remember that it takes time to build trust, so stay honest and committed to your words and behavior and you’ll have a long-term relationship with your employer.
6. An Open and Positive Communication
Communication is something we practice daily with our friends, spouse, boss or family and, as easy and simple as it appears, the way we communicate can influence the message received. Therefore, how we choose the words, how we address or ask for something is important for our professional relationship. With an open and positive communication practiced daily by managers, the results will be the equivalent of an efficient, productive and positive workplace.
It’s not difficult to add a “please” and “thank you” to your sentences once in a while, and they will greatly improve the relationships you have at work. Even if you are the number one person in the firm, politeness and openness to conversation will get you a long way! If you really want to create a positive and fun workplace, you should always think about how the others are feeling, and try to make them feel as comfortable as possible.
7. Work on the Team Spirit
While a “Zen” area and a game room can have positive impact on employees, it is also important to create a team spirit. Games are not enough to create a team spirit, although they can help strengthen it. One of your employees’ essential needs is to feel they belong to an organization, where their ideas and innovations are appreciated, so being part of a supportive team group is quite relevant. Also, encourage every member’s ideas and an attitude of collaboration rather than a competitive one, as they will generate a real team spirit where everyone brings its contribution.
Sometimes, it is recommended to create random teams for certain project, in order to see how they get along. Having to cope with certain problems as a group can bring out the best in people, and teams may appear between people when you might never have expected them to appear.
8. Don’t forget about colors
The use of different light and positive colors will surely brighten up your workplace, so think of various combinations to decorate the walls, chairs or tables, as well as adding creative accessories to make your office look more “human” and friendly and provide a vibrant atmosphere. However, try to avoid strident colors such as pink or neon shades, because they distract your employees from work and get annoyed.
We have provided with a color scheme that shows you exactly what type of colors work best in an office. Granted, the example is for a home office, but the rule is applicable to larger offices as well. Red, for example, is not the best choice, because it has the power to increase stress levels. Also, there are certain colors that have a soothing effect on people, so you should focus on them. The whole idea is to not create a plain and boring office filled with white cubicles and small desks.
9. Give Recognition and Rewards
Every person needs to feel that his meaningful work is appreciated and rewarded by the organization, so make sure your employees know that you appreciate them. A positive and can-do attitude should always be appreciated by employers, because it influences positively the workplace. This doesn’t mean that you should reward or compliment their every achievement, but let them know that they are a valuable asset to the firm, and that you appreciate their efforts.
A bonus once in a while will do wonders, not because it involves money, but because it is the tangible evidence that the work of the employee is appreciated. You can even create an “Employee of the Month” board, where the most diligent and hard-working people are being displayed. This will also increase competitive behavior (which is beneficial), and also overall results.
10. Encourage a Positive Vision
Whether you choose to have a vision board on the entry wall or inspirational messages in the offices, spreading a positive attitude among your employees is another excellent idea to create a fun and positive workplace where creativity can easily be unleashed. Have you ever read the book “The Secret”. It talks about the power that our mentality has on the Universe.
More specifically, it says that if we truly believe that positive things can happen in our lives, they will happen. You can add cards with positive messages, or you can even play some relaxing/positive music in the office. If you have no idea where to get the music, check out the Best Free Radio Stations. These were our best ideas for a positive and fun workplace. Image Credits
We here at TenMania are lucky enough to enjoy a relaxed and flexible working atmosphere, but we’re well aware things aren’t exactly like that everywhere in the labor field. Do you feel like your workplace is occasionally fun to be at, or is it generally dull and uninspiring? What do you think is missing, to make it more enjoyable?