TenMania is a community-oriented platform. Since we value our readers more than anything (except for well-organized information, maybe), we want to give them the opportunity to make their voices heard. As such, we’re hosting a competition with submissions from our users.
What you need to do
Submit an article to us via the contact form by the 15th of every month. Make sure it’s no shorter than 1.000 words, that it’s well formatted, and that it falls within the scope of our site (i.e. that it looks like something you’d want to read on TenMania). We will review it, to see if it meets our criteria for publication. If it does, we will ask our other readers and social media followers to assess it. The best articles will receive a prize in money, payable via online transfer.
- What if there’s just one submission this month?
We will wait until we have at least two viable submissions for the contest.
- What if my article doesn’t get published?
We will inform you of this. You will then be allowed to post the article on any other website or blog.
- Can I repost an article that I wrote and had published on TenMania, but which didn’t win?
Rights over published material belong to TenMania. With the proper source credit, you can repost it – as long as you mention TenMania as the original source (e.g.: “Article originally published on TenMania.com”). In all other cases, a repost will be considered plagiarism and we will take all action necessary to have it removed.